Elephant Journal publishes the Story of our Story

“I re-wrote this classic lullaby and the response was overwhelming.”

We all love a good story.

Especially when it further develops a story we already love.  Prequels, sequels, prologues, epilogues, backstory, exposes… we *love* to learn more!

I believe that backstory makes meaningful gifts even more meaningful. Context adds value.

Elephant Journal Rockabye Baby article clip

That’s why I submitted an article to Elephant Journal, and asked if they would like to cover the backstory of our book campaign.

They replied immediately.   Not only did Elephant Journal want to publish the backstory of our new illustrated “Rockabye Baby” – they felt it was a powerful and “gorgeous” story – but they wanted to publish it right away.

I was so excited that the editor was so excited!  Within hours, my article was accepted and printed almost exactly verbatim.

Approximately a week later, the article was published. I was blown away to see it in its final, published form. If you’re like me, you know how gratifying it is to know that your words have gone purely out into the world.

In the article, you’ll learn a little bit more — from my own voice — about who I am and why I am stepping forward as author, illustrator, and advocate of a new lullaby for our Littles.

I hope you enjoy! If you do, please share this post.  Thank you!

Article:  “I re-wrote this classic lullaby and the response was overwhelming.”

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