Elephant Journal publishes the Story of our Story

“I re-wrote this classic lullaby and the response was overwhelming.” We all love a good story. Especially when it further develops a story we already love.  Prequels, sequels, prologues, epilogues, backstory, exposes… we *love* to learn more! I believe that backstory makes meaningful gifts even more meaningful. Context adds value. That’s why I submitted an …

Newspaper Coverage!

It’s been a wonderful summer and fantastic experience as we work to publish our beautiful book!  We are touched by our community’s interest and support — and there have been marvelous happenings! When the “Times Call” Calls In late June, just before my daughter went to the hospital for blood transfusion, our local newspaper covered …

A Warmer Lullaby Legacy

How would the world be different, if the cradle didn’t fall? Join us as we publish a brand-new, illustrated version of “Rockabye Baby!” This new version follows the story of deepening night, as some animals come out to play and explore, while others come together to nestle and sleep. Infused with magic and mystery, the …