About the Author & Illustrator


Erika Marie

Hi!  My name is Erika Fayina Marie.  I am a medical professional, a mama to an amazing little person, a health and motivational speaker, an artist, a writer, and a veteran.

I believe that Life is Art and that creativity is part of my divine purpose for being here.  I believe we are all part of a great and wonderful mystery, and it is because I trust in it that I am free to be courageous.

I love being outside in nature, playing with my daughter, and generally interacting with the random weirdness of life.  My life story took a couple rough turns, and we’ve been dealt some rather incredible cards.

However, I know that great good comes from great challenges.  (And I’ve learned that a crazy sense of humor makes even miserable times fun!)

I am overjoyed to be here, and, after my own serious health crisis, amazed to still be alive.  I give thanks for all that I am and all that I have — Life is truly precious.

Thank you for joining our efforts to produce a more supportive, loving, magical, and joyful version of Rockabye Baby!

I believe that this new, illustrated lullaby will add to our lives in immeasurable ways.  I cannot wait to share it with you and with the world.

Thank you for helping me publish it!

Please know that you do more good — in your small, daily choices — than you know.  Thank you!